Top Bernedoodle breeding Phoenix, AZ

Bernedoodle puppies Phoenix metropolitan area today: Bernedoodles make great service dogs. Initially bred to be service dogs due to their relaxed personalities, they can be outstanding companion puppies. Their moderate energy level will keep owners engaged and off the couch (particularly for larger-sized breeds, while the smaller sizes prefer a lot of cuddling and attention). The Standard is a good choice for children with special needs, and websites like angelsense recommend both the Bernese Mountain Dog and the Poodle in their top ten. See even more info at Bernedoodle puppies Phoenix, AZ.

At this point, your breeder is the only person on the planet who truly understands your puppy. Make the most of this knowledge and seek out as much guidance as possible. General inquiries regarding the health of the puppy and its parents, feeding times and any routines they have and is your puppy is interacting with the other members of the litter are all things you should ask the breeder. When it comes to taking care of your new Bernedoodle puppy, schedule an appointment with your veterinarian in the first week! You and your puppy’s veterinarian may talk about your puppy’s dietary needs, growth development, vaccine, and spay/neuter schedules, and ask about any concerns you have about your Bernedoodles’ health. Bernedoodles, like many large breed working dogs, can develop joint dysplasia. Blood problems, certain malignancies, and progressive retinal degeneration have all been reported in Bernese Mountain Dogs. Bernedoodles are generally healthy and strong, especially if they are purchased from a reputable breeder. Brushing your Bernedoodle puppy’s teeth regularly will help to prevent dental decay, gum disease, and poor breath.

Mini Bernedoodles are the offspring of a Bernese Mountain Dog and a Miniature Poodle. As a result, a pleasant, low-shedding crossbreed has been created that may make great companion animals or family pets. While Bernedoodles are well-known, the Mini Bernedoodle is essentially a smaller form of the hybrid. This hybrid breed has grown in popularity over the last few decades, and the Mini Bernedoodle is no exception. In this post, we will explore the Mini Bernedoodle hybrid breed, covering their temperament, needs, and size.

Some pet insurance companies offer preventive care so it’s one of the factors that you need to know in choosing the best pet insurance for your pets. It covers shots and vaccinations. Getting our pets vaccinated and given shots is one of our top priorities especially at their early stage for it stimulates their immune system making them healthier and stronger ability to fight illnesses. Vaccinations and shots these days are expensive for all veterinarians. That’s why it is good to consider buying pet insurance for our pets for it covers both shots and vaccinations that will somehow save us money. Here are some of the pet insurance companies that cover shots and vaccinations: Pets Best; Embrace; Spot; Nationwide. Read additional details on

Not good dog food : While there are numerous nutrients in an orange or tangerine, in high quantities, citrus fruits have a high acidic content that can sometimes be detrimental to a dog’s digestive system. Many dogs will chew an orange or grab a lemon slice, chew it a couple of times, and spit it out. (Dogs prefer sweet rather than sour things). Not all nuts are toxic to dogs, but care should be given when feeding them. It is best to avoid them because nuts have oils and acids that lead to pancreatic issues. Salted nuts will lead to water retention, and even small nuts can create choking hazards in smaller versions of the Bernedoodle.

Not surprisingly, a lot of dogs like to beg for table scraps. (So would you if all you ate was dog food). At the same time, most veterinarians discourage the practice of feeding a dog from the table, but now and then is probably okay. You want to make sure that your puppy can tolerate what you eat. The last thing you want is to make their digestive systems run amok and have to clean up a mess, or worse, make an expensive run to the vet that empties your wallet. Here Phoenix Bernedoodles we specialize on cute lovable Bernedoodles. If you are looking to reserve a Bernedoodle, then please contact us. We are not a big commercial operation, just dedicated dog lovers who have fallen in love with this special breed.

Bernedoodle Vs. Greyhound: Greyhounds are nearly as good as normal Bernedoodles. They seem to balance each other well despite being only an inch taller and a few pounds lighter. The greyhound, on the other hand, is twice the height and nearly four times the weight of a toy Bernedoodle. While the medium and tiny Bernedoodle varieties are closer in height, they can’t compete in weight with the ordinary Bernedoodle. Mini vs. Standard Bernedoodle: A Mini Bernedoodle may reach a height of 18 to 22 inches, whereas a Standard Bernedoodle can reach a height of 23 to 29 inches. A Mini Bernedoodle may weigh anything from 24 to 49 pounds, while a Standard Bernedoodle can weigh anywhere from 70 to 90 pounds.