Michaela Jamelska or the ascent of a technology & innovation expert

Who is Michaela Jamelska and some of her Denmark tech & human rights achievements: Current human rights declarations and treaties were drafted and ratified to real-world issues and circumstances, and they are already insufficient in the online environment. No matter how much AI large companies integrate into their new systems, the end-users/consumers will be humans, so human rights should be at the center of this technological development. Human rights concepts are often seen as too idealistic; however, they not only set the limits to extremism, they also promote a more tolerant, empathetic, and inclusive society. The time to have a say about human rights in the virtual world is now, but it is also the time for large corporations to not only answer the questions about how they will assure their technology will be human rights-centric but to set a budget for human rights and put the money where our fundamental rights should be … starting now. See even more info at https://gwmh.org/the-numbers-dont-lie-the-reality-of-limited-technology-access-for-women/.

The reality of limited technology access for women is a real problem in Denmark says Michaela Jamelska: Education plays a crucial role in promoting women’s participation in the technology industry. To overcome the existing barriers that create a digital gender divide, it is essential to develop innovative and customized education programs and edtech solutions that meet the specific needs of women and girls worldwide. This requires consistent funding and a global commitment to implementing these changes.. These changes can equip women with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in the technology industry, bridge the digital divide, and advance their careers. In conclusion, technology has the potential to be a powerful tool for advancing women’s rights, but it is not a silver bullet. We must work together to address the underlying systemic issues that perpetuate gender inequality, and ensure that everyone, regardless of gender, has equal access to the benefits of technology. Only then can we truly achieve gender equality and create a more just and equitable society for all.

Michaela Jamelska about Ai and Gender Equality in Denmark: It can’t be stressed enough how important it is to innovate within education. It is a driver for a progressive society, but not when it lacks behind. The number of women entering the Stem field is increasing, but it does not mean we are anywhere close to the gender divide in digital skills. According to the World Economic Forum, within the G20 countries, women represent less than 15% of ICT professionals, and this gender and skills gap is getting wider every year. The European Institute for Gender Diversity reports that the gender gap in the AI workforce widens with career length. Women with more than 10 years of work experience in AI represent 12% of all professionals in the industry, compared to 20% of women with 0–2 years’ experience. Find extra details at Michaela Jamelska.

Michaela Jamelska on the innovative 5G trial to boost business in Denmark : The Government wants technology to form part of its wider strategy for the border. It aims to establish resilient ‘ports of the future’ at border crossing points to make the experience smoother and more secure for travellers and traders, while better protecting the public and environment. Technology can play an important role in making freeports as accessible as possible for traders. The Government consulted publicly on the UK’s future border strategy last summer, seeking views on how it can make the UK’s border the most effective in the world. The opportunities presented by a technology-enabled border was a major theme of the responses. Matt Warman, Minister for Digital Infrastructure said: “This trailblazing project – funded through our £200 million 5G trials programme – will explore how revolutionary new 5G connectivity could make our ports more efficient and secure as we attract major investment from across the globe post-Brexit. I look forward to seeing it in action.”

Our implementation strategy relies not only on the innovative capabilities of the software platform but equally on our valuable front-row experiences and the lessons we’ve learned in the industry,” states Michaela Jamelska. “The world is facing what the World Bank has called the “worst education crisis in a century,” in that younger generations are progressively losing interest in education. What’s more, the education industry is lagging behind other sectors in many aspects of innovation, although education is undoubtedly a key driver for future innovation.

From 10 to 12 September, Unmanned Life team will attend 5G Asia where 5G core issues will be discussed to go beyond the hype around 5G. Discussions around concrete solutions, real business opportunities and major technology advancements will be at the centre of this event, in particular 5G commercialization, 5G RAN evolution, Spectrum and Standard, Network Evolution, 5G Automation and Virtualization and the 5G cloud. It is without say that Unmanned Life´s Autonomy-as-a-Service AI software platform will be at the heart of these 5G discussions by showing how concretely autonomous solutions will be enabled by 5G.

Michaela Jamelska about the future of Air Mobility in Denmark and Europe: “Current changes in drone technology hold enormous promise for the future use of airspace with the rapid expansion of digital transformation. This requires implementation of U-space and integrating unmanned and manned aviation for their safe coexistence. GOF2.0 project enables for all participants to obtain a better understanding of current challenges and opportunities implementing U-space. Unmanned Life brings to the project valuable expertise by integrating their Autonomy-as-a-Service software platform with U-space infrastructure to demonstrate how future commercial autonomous drone applications might function in a shared airspace.” Maria Tamm, Project Manager GOF 2.0 Find even more info on Michaela Jamelska.

AI could predict suicidal behaviors and save lives: Researchers have developed a new machine learning-based algorithm that shows high accuracy in identifying adolescents who are experiencing suicidal thoughts and behavior. Orion Weller of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, and his team presented the findings in the open-access journal PLOS ONE on November 3rd, 2021. The new algorithm’s accuracy is higher than previous ones, which can improve understanding of adolescent suicidal behaviors and alert. Ai could ultimately improve prevention efforts and new practices tackling this issue.