High quality personal air purifier online shopping from Purifypal.com

Personal air purifier and clean air benefits for personal health? Our personal health and well-being are permanently threatened by particles and disease-carrying air particles present almost EVERYWHERE. Do you want to keep these unwanted particles away from you? No more worries! You can do it by surrounding yourself with air molecules called NEGATIVE IONS. What’s the best part? You get protected no matter if you’re home, at work, or even traveling!

What are the benefits of air ionizers? Negative ions produce a number of benefits in our natural environment. Think of some of your favorite places. Maybe it’s the ocean, a serene waterfall or out in nature’s greenery. This short list here includes some of the natural environments with the highest levels of detected negative ions present. Air ionizers and their connection to negative ions can mean big benefits to your respiratory system and overall health. The use of negative ions in the air can have the following results Improved air quality through the removal of dust, allergens, pollen, pet dander, mold spores and other airborne bacteria.

The process of using an electrical charge to generate ions also creates ozone gas. Ozone can be used to decontaminate and sterilize indoor areas, and is often used for that purpose. However, at effective concentrations, it is very dangerous. Ozone is toxic and is a lung irritant even at low concentrations. It can also react with gaseous pollutants, but there is no way to predict what other chemicals this reaction will create (ozone reacts with some common household pollutants to create formaldehyde, for instance). Generating ozone in your house is a major drawback for ionizers.

Negative ions, when in big concentration, can clean your surrounding air of mold spores, pollen, odors, cigarette smoke, dust, and other airborne particles that can be hazardous to our health. Negative ions pull away viruses, bacteria, and other disease-carrying particles invisible to the naked eye! The insurance company Norwich Union used eight NEGATIVE ION generators and found that reported headaches and sickness dropped by 78%. Find more info on Personal air purifier necklace.

In the early 2000s the Ionic Breeze ionizing air purifier was sold by Sharper Image in shopping malls across the U.S. It was a new way of using technology to purify air, and for a while many people bought into the hype. But Consumer Reports tested the Ionic Breeze and found it ineffective at purifying air (and later, potentially dangerous because it generated ozone). Sharper Image sued Consumer Reports’ parent company but lost, and the company in turn faced a class action lawsuit before eventually going out of business (although the Sharper Image brand name lives on).

Ionizers are helpful if you have allergies, asthma, or chemical sensitivities, as ionic air purifiers more effectively remove pollutants ranging from pollen, mold, dust, and pet dander to viruses, smoke, odors, and chemical toxins. So how can such a simple mechanism have so many positive effects? Learn all about ionizers and their benefits below: Understanding Ions and Ionizers: What Does An Ionizer Do? Think about this: Our everyday surroundings are filled with positive ions. They’re what you feel in the air before a storm or why your basement feels stuffy. They’re also given off by monitor screens and vehicle fumes.

Purifypal™ the leading Wearable Ionic Air Purifier Necklace is designed to effectively purify clean safe air around your head by using healthy, negative ions to push the air contaminants away from your breathing space. Increases your sense of well-being and mental clarity which helps with seasonal depression. Testing has regularly shown that exposure to high levels of negative ions, makes you perform better in mentally challenging tasks. Discover additional details on https://purifypal.com/.